You rock, Dragonfly.

Hey, I have had this dragonfly thing in my mind for a long time now. Here's a sketch that has been sitting in my sketchbook since the very start of my clockwork jewelry journey. I never could quite get my head around how exactly to make the thing though.

Well, I finally gave it a crack and am very happy with the results. After a week of figuring, riveting, soldering, and almost swearing, and 141 seperate bits of copper and brass all assembled together, I have got something awesome!   A super sweet clockwork propeller driven bug. First thing my 4 year old son said when he saw it was "dad, fly it around the house!" To be quite honest, I was more than happy to oblige him, in fact I can hardly stop flying it around, it just feels so good.  And when you blow on the prop, it spins. Can you get better than that?

Steampunk dragonfly made from copper and brass.

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Making a pendant